
AutoScan allows users to automate the job of checking for new DNA matches for the three major DNA testing companies. 

Supports three major DNA testing companies

Genetic Affairs currently supports automatic updates for AncestryDNA*, FamilyTreeDNA and 23andme. 

* Regular updates for Ancestry are currently only available for users outside the free tier. 

Mobile Supports three major DNA testing companies

Genetic Affairs currently supports automatic updates for AncestryDNA, FamilyTreeDNA and 23andme. 

Adjustable intervals

Whether you want monthly, weekly or even daily updates. The update interval can be adjusted for every individual profile. 

Adjustable minimal DNA match

Only interested in second cousin updates? Or perhaps updates concerning distant cousins. For every profile the minimal DNA match can be adjusted. 

Adjustable minimal DNA match

Only interested in second cousin updates? Or perhaps updates concerning distant cousins. For every profile the minimal DNA match can be adjusted. 

Adjustable minimal cM match

Only interested in fourth cousins that share at least 40 cM? Using the cM threshold option it is possible to apply centimorgan thresholds to your new DNA matches. 

Adjustable minimal cM match

Only interested in fourth cousins that share at least 40 cM? Using the cM threshold option it is possible to apply centimorgan thresholds to your new DNA matches. 

All updates in one e-mail

All updates that are created by Genetic Affairs are combined into one e-mail. The profiles with the closest matches are displayed in the top of the e-mail. 

All updates in one e-mail

All updates that are created by Genetic Affairs are combined into one e-mail. The profiles with the closest matches are displayed in the top of the e-mail. 

All first matches in a spreadsheet

The first analysis of a profile will include all (for AncestryDNA, we provide all cousins up to and including fourth cousins) genetic matches in a spreadsheet. This spreadsheet is added to the mail as an attachment. 

All first matches in a spreadsheet

The first analysis of a profile will include all (for AncestryDNA, we provide all cousins up to and including fourth cousins) genetic matches in a spreadsheet. This spreadsheet is added to the mail as an attachment. 

Free registration

Registration is free as well as the first 200 credits that can be used to perform the updates or AutoCluster analyses. 

Free registration

Registration is free as well as the first 200 credits that can be used to perform the updates or AutoCluster analyses. 

Affordable searches

Searches start at 3 credits (i.e. 3 cents) per search, check out our prices

Affordable searches

Searches start at 3 credits (i.e. 3 cents) per search, check out our prices

Privacy and security

We take privacy and security serious, check out our frequently asked questions for more information. 

Privacy and security

We take privacy and security serious, check out our frequently asked questions for more information. 

Video tutorial of Genetic Affairs